Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nine years ago today...

Nine years ago two little gifts were given to me and Bryce. It was quite an adventure getting them here and we will forever be grateful that they made it safely and without complication. These gifts I speak of are our twin daughters, Paige and Hollie. What would life be like without them? We would miss their smiles and laughter. Hollie's laugh that bursts out at unexpected moments and our Paige who giggles for no reason at all. We would miss questions that would never have been asked had it just been Bryce and I. Like: When are we going to be there? or Why do I have to clean that if she is the one that messed it up? or What are you going to give me for my birthday? Christmas? Can we go to the dollar store to buy me a toy? Will you let me buy that stuffed animal for no reason at all? or How much money do you make? or In heaven, is everyone a baby and crawls around until they get to come to earth? or How do I know if the Holy Ghost is talking to me? or Can I put some lipstick on? Yes, life would be different but unmistakably not the same without our two beautiful girls. I wouldn't go back and change that first year of being a zombie from no sleep or the craziness I felt because I had no idea being a mom was so time consuming. They taught me to grow up and to stop being so selfish. They've taught me to cool my temper and to take a different perspective of things and they've taught me about love. So my dear nine year olds I wish you many more birthdays filled with smiles and laughter and hopefully a forgiving heart because I'll make more mistakes, I can promise that. Happy Birthday!
Love, Mom


Jenny's Joy said...

It's fun to see your blog. Happy Birthday to your girls!

Laura Ross said...

Tell your girls Happy Be-lated Birthday. I am glad you started blogging!

Tricia said...

Yeah, Nikki's blogging. Happy birthday to your girls. You can spy on me at triciawallace.blogspot.com or you can link from Laura's, the dish. Until next blog, welcome aboard.

Tricia said...

Ms Nikki, I know you have 2 other kids you need to blog about. Can't wait to hear more Alder adventures.

sixpointranch said...

what cute girls you have!
Happy really belated birthday!
we are related to Laura ross and Jenny webb

Williamson Fam said...

Hey Nikki, cute blog, whens the next girls night?

clorissa bascom said...

So cute, you have a beutiful family.